Employment & Job Training

Georgia Works!
Each participant is housed at our facility for up to a year while they participate in transitional work (earning $7.40/hr for 30+ hours per week). All participants renounce dependency and remain drug and alcohol free. Personal support, case management, and workforce training is offered throughout the program. We also provide AA/NA Classes, GED classes, support in obtaining a driver’s licenses, help setting up a bank account, and life skill preparation courses.

First Step Staffing
236 Auburn Avenue NE Suite 203
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mondays: 9:00 – 11:00
To apply individuals can come in to our office to fill out an application. After this you’ll immediately be joined into a group orientation, and then transition to a 1-on-1 interview, and likely walk out with an assignment that same day.

WorkSource Atlanta
818 Pollard Boulevard SW
Atlanta, GA 30315

This site is a work-in-progress and will be updated regularly. If you have information or updates for this page, please Contact Us.